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Messages in the Numbers



This book holds the key to decoding the secret messages in the numbers you notice around you – those repeating patterns on your phone, alarm, computer screen or the digital clock in your car, and even in significant dates, your house number or the number plates on the cars you drive past. While it might seem like the Universe has far too much going on to attend to the various matters of concern in our individual human lives, in truth, within its infinite intelligence lie creative solutions for any difficulty you could possibly encounter. Included in that intelligence, is a benevolent streak of compassion. The Universe is not, contrary to our worst imaginings, entertained by our struggles in life, chuckling away with perverse humour at our misfortunes. The Universe is like your greatest cheerleader ever, urging you on to the right path, encouraging you to make the most fearless and loving choices, and guiding you towards your ultimate destiny, which is to experience a full, nourishing and soul-satisfying existence. In short, the Universe wants to help you! And one of the ways it does that is by sending you messages through numbers. These are messages that the Universe wants to get through to you – to help you grow and live a happier, more connected and fulfilling life. Are you ready to hear them? It’s easy! Let this super-practical guidebook help you interpret the messages in the numbers so you can receive the guidance that is meant for you. Features simple guided meditative processes and sacred geometry images to help you connect energetically with each number’s vibration.

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